So Glastonbury has finished. But we had a great post on our Instagram account from @twanep of one of our very own Eco Friendly Bamboo Toothbrushes taking in the action!

The Glastonbury festival this year made a huge commitment to reducing their waste - and went completely plastic free (something we applaud them doing). It's a huge sign that progress for such major events are taking our environment into consideration.
From removing plastic water bottles on sale and ensuring that all of the food and other drinks that were sold came in completely recyclable and sustainable products, an event that has over 200,000 visitors has a massive impact.
It was a great surprise when we saw our own BrushFresh Bamboo Toothbrush at the festival and we're glad that we can help in such a way. Bamboo helps in so many ways as a great alternative to plastic. It composts and biodegrades - something which plastic doesn't do, and bamboo unlike other "sustainable" products doesn't need insecticides to grow due to the high silica content (making it very resistant to insects).
Bamboo also has an extraordinary growth rate (1000 times faster than oak) meaning that only a small amount of land is required to grow and harvest a huge amount of the material.
Bamboo can grow without fertilizers or pesticides.
Bamboo is naturally anti-bacterial and anti-fungal.
Bamboo can regrow to adult size to be harvested within 3 to 5 years.
Bamboo can grow in many different kinds of environments (China, Africa, South America, USA).
Bamboo is biodegradable.
Bamboo produces 35% more oxygen compared to similar plants.
Bamboo naturally helps rebuild eroded soil.
Bamboo almost never needs replanting.Bamboo is an extremely durable material.
Bamboo requires far less water than similar plants, therefore often requiring no irrigation systems.
Here at BrushFresh, we're completely committed to reducing the plastic usage not only in toothbrushes, but also through our Cruelty Free Toothpaste tablets which has no plastic tubes and comes in cardboard packaging which is completely recyclable and from sustainable sources.
To find out more about how commitment, visit our About Us page and to see our range of products which not check out our store?
Finally, we thought we would leave you with this video from the Glastonbury festival. David Attenborough makes a surprise appearance to discuss the BBCs new show - Seven Worlds One Planet. In it, he praises Glastonburys commitment to reducing plastic and the impact that it's having. Enjoy!