Is It Safe To Get Your Teeth Whitened?

Is It Safe To Get Your Teeth Whitened?

The simple answer is - yes, it is typically considered safe to get your teeth professionally whitened, as long as it is being performed by a licensed dentist or dental professional.

Be wary of any other type of business, such as beauty salons, that offers teeth whitening as it may put your oral health at risk, and is in fact illegal if there is no dental professional present. The same goes for some home teeth whitening kits on the market - some of which can carry serious risks to your teeth. So, if looking to get your teeth whitened, always make sure the person performing the whitening is a professional in the dental industry. 

What Are the Different Types of Teeth Whitening?

When looking at getting your teeth professionally whitened, there are a number of different methods to consider. The most common are laser whitening and gel whitening. Laser whitening, also called power whitening, is a teeth whitening procedure provided by dentists whereby a bleaching agent is painted onto your teeth followed by a light or laser being shone onto them to activate the whitening.

is laser teeth whitening popular in the uk? provide me with statistics
On average, the cost of laser teeth whitening in the UK ranges from £300 to £1,000 per session.

Gel whitening can also be provided by a dental professional but it works slightly differently to the laser option. The dentist will firstly take an impression of your teeth to make a mouthguard. You will then use this mouthguard at home to regularly apply the whitening gel for a specified amount of time over a number of weeks. 

What Are the Risks of Teeth Whitening?

Even if you go to a dental professional to whiten your teeth, like any dental procedure, it doesn’t come without its own risks, such as tooth sensitivity, gum irritation or tooth damage. 

Tooth Sensitivity & Gum Irritation

One of the most common issues associated with teeth whitening is tooth sensitivity. Regardless of the method used, whitening products contain peroxide, which can irritate the nerves in the teeth and cause temporary sensitivity or discomfort. This usually goes away within a few days after the treatment, but for some, it can stay around for weeks or even months. 

You may also experience sore or irritated gums to start with, if they come into contact with the product. This may cause redness, swelling, or even chemical burns. 

Tooth Damage & Uneven Whitening

Although uncommon, overuse or incorrect use of whitening products may cause damage to your tooth enamel and increase the chance of tooth decay. 

It's essential that you follow the instructions carefully and not exceed the recommended usage. For example, for many gel take home kits, they require you to only use a tiny pea sized amount of product for each tooth. If you exceed this amount, you are opening yourself up to the risk of enamel damage, which brings with it a number of its own issues.


Is It Safe To Get Your Teeth Whitened?
 It's always important to consult with your dentist before agreeing to any whitening treatment to determine if it's safe for you.

Another risk, especially if you have uneven tooth staining, is that the teeth whitening might not produce even results across your teeth. In some cases, certain teeth may not even respond well to the product, and you won’t discover this until after the procedure. 




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