Dental Blog

Should You Spit or Rinse After Brushing Your Teeth?

Should You Spit or Rinse After Brushing Your Te...

  In short - all dentists recommend that you shouldn't rinse after brushing your teeth. This is because the protective fluoride in your toothpaste won't 'cling' onto the teeth if...

Should You Spit or Rinse After Brushing Your Te...

  In short - all dentists recommend that you shouldn't rinse after brushing your teeth. This is because the protective fluoride in your toothpaste won't 'cling' onto the teeth if...

about flouride

About Fluoride

As dentists, we are fans of fluoride. However, not everyone is, so we have both fluoride and non fluoride options in our store. So what is fluoride anyway? Fluoride is...

About Fluoride

As dentists, we are fans of fluoride. However, not everyone is, so we have both fluoride and non fluoride options in our store. So what is fluoride anyway? Fluoride is...